Kazoku Karate-Do is hosting a seminar with the KARATE FOR MENTAL HEALTH FOUNDER, SENSEI LES BUBKA

March 3rd 2024, Sensei Les Bubka (karate for mental health founder) will be teaching at shinfield in Reading on his approach to Tensho kata, adaptation of throws for different abilities. We will also venture to some other areas of karate like uke and keri.

This will be an open seminar for students wanting to broaden their knowledge in all aspects of karate and martial arts training with mental health in mind. It will be a fun packed seminar open to anyone from any style or martial arts background.
Here are the details! 

Where: Shinfield Infants School, School Green, Reading, RG29EH
When: 3rd March 24
Time: 1-5pm
Age 13 years +
Cost: £35 payable to save your space!
Anyone wishing to reserve a space, will need to make contact asap to save your space with payment.
Details below.
Email: kazoku_karatedo@hotmail.com

Event Details
club events
03 Mar 2024
Shinfield infants school, school green, reading, RG29EH
John - 07443334174 / Chrissie - 07789848273
£35 per person
I am relatively new to the BCA/BCKA, I left my previous Association 3 years ago to pursue a more practical approach to my training and teaching. It was Iain Abernathy who recommended I give Peter Consterdine a call. In our first phone call, Peter came across helpful, open-minded and supportive to my needs. He explained what the BCA/BCKA could provide and how it’s run. I received an information pack in the post and it ticked all the boxes. It is a very professionally run association. The admin is run extremely efficiently by Dawn and Peter provides constant support and advice to all his members. The wealth and depth of knowledge in the Instructors of the BCA/BCKA is second to none. I am extremely happy I found such a humble and supportive Association.
Graham Palmer
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